Pre & Post Care

Facial Pre/Post Instructions (Dermaplane, Hydrafacial, Facials, Lymphatic Drainage, LED Light Therapy)


  • Discontinue the use of manual scrubs and prescription strength Retinol (Retin A, Renova, Glycolic, etc.) 72 hours prior to your treatment. 
  • Do not wax the areas to be treated 72 hours before treatment. 


  • Your skin may be slightly pink or red after your facial. This is normal and usually resolves in 24-48 hours. 
  • On occasion, patients may have flaky skin after having a facial and this usually resolves within 5 days. 
  • Please do not pick at the exfoliating skin and allow it to exfoliate naturally. 
  • Please avoid waxing for 7 days and shaving for two days after a facial treatment.
  • Please do not use Retinols or Alpha Hydroxy Acids on the treated area for 72 hours after a facial. 
  • Please do not use scrubs on your skin for 7 days after receiving a facial. 
  • You can continue to use your normal cleanser and skincare products unless otherwise directed, except for the products listed above. 
  • Please call SKNN Studio with any questions regarding your treatment.

BioRePeel Pre/Post Instructions (Chemical Peels)


  • Discontinue the use of manual scrubs and prescription strength Retinol (Retin A, Renova, Glycolic, etc.) 72 hours prior to your treatment. 
  • Do not wax the areas to be treated 72 hours before treatment. 


  • Your skin may be slightly pink or red after your BioRePeel. This is normal and usually resolves in 24-48 hours. 
  • On occasion, patients may have flaky skin after having a BioRePeel treatment and this usually resolves within 5 days. 
  • Please do not pick at the exfoliating skin and allow it to exfoliate naturally. 
  • Please avoid waxing for 7 days and shaving for two days after a BioRePeel treatment.
  • Please do not use Retinols or Alpha Hydroxy Acids on the treated area for 72 hours after a BioRePeel. 
  • Please do not use scrubs on your skin for 7 days after receiving a BioRePeel. 
  • You can continue to use your normal cleanser and skincare products unless otherwise directed, except for the products listed above. 
  • Please call SKNN Studio with any questions regarding your treatment.

Laser Hair Removal & Electrology Pre/Post Care Instructions

BEFORE your laser treatment: 

  • Use sunscreen daily, sunburned skin cannot be treated.
  • Avoid any irritants to your face, such as any products containing Hydroquinone, bleaching creams, Retin-A retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids or astringents for at least 2 weeks.
  • Do not use self-tanner agents for at least two weeks before any treatment. If you have used these products, thoroughly cleanse the area with abrasive/exfoliating scrubs to remove all product two weeks prior to your treatment. A shampoo containing zinc (Dandruff shampoo) also helps to remove product. 
  • Do not pluck or wax area for at least 1 month prior to your first treatment, continuing through the course of your treatments. 
  • Plucking/waxing removes the target hair. Do not bleach or use “Nair”-type products for two weeks prior to treatment, this can irritate the skin.
  • Please do not wear any makeup, perfume, or lotions in the treatment area prior to your treatment. 
  • Before each treatment, please inform us if you are taking any new antibiotics or medications, as they make your skin photosensitive and therefore we may not be able to treat you for one to two weeks after completion of the antibiotic.

AFTER your laser treatment: 

  • If treating the face, please continue using sunscreen daily for the entire treatment period. 
  • Until initial skin irritation subsides, avoid hot water and anything irritating to the skin.
  • Avoid any irritant to your face, such as any products containing Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids or astringents for at least 2 days. 
  • Do not wear tight, constricting clothing in the treated area as irritation can occur and skin cannot cool properly.
  • Do not exercise, revive any body treatments, take hot showers, use saunas or hot tubs until skin is back to normal. 

Lash/Brow Tinting and Lifting Pre/Post Instructions


  • Remove all eye makeup, contact lenses, and false eyelashes before your appointment
  • Avoid curling your natural lashes for at least 24 hours prior to treatment
  • Stop using waterproof mascara 48 hours before your procedure since it leaves behind unwanted residue
  • Patients with an eye infection, like pink eye, need to wait until it has cleared prior to treatment


  • Avoid eye make up for 12 hours.
  • If any redness or irritation occurs apply a damp cotton wool compress. If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours seek medical advice
  • Avoid touching or Rubbing the eyes immediately after treatment In the first 24 hours do not steam your face, use a steam bath, swim, use the sauna or sunbed, or wash your face with hot water as this can take the color out
  • Use oil-free products (e.g make-up remover or mascara) around the eye area to prolong the color
  • Avoid strong sunlight or UV light (if tinted) to maintain the color
  • To keep your lashes and brows looking dark, return to the salon after 4 weeks to top up your tint
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